The biggest opportunity to drive change in our community starts with you!
Get involved in supporting our community and defending our freedoms.
From door knocking to serving as an election worker, joining your local committee, helping with events, to volunteering for our candidates, there's a place for you in the Monroe County Republican Party.
Let's create change together!

Why Join the Committee?
Committee Members are the heart of the Republican Party. They are the grassroots activists who work hard to get Republican candidates elected and to help pass ballot measures that reflect our Republican values.
The Monroe County Republican Committee (MCRC) is comprised of town/city Committee Members from across the county. Committee Members are elected by fellow Republicans in their Election District in odd numbered years during the Primary election. They can also be appointed at any time.
As a member of your town/city committee, you have the right to vote for MCRC Elected Officers, to endorse candidates for town/city and county offices, and participate in setting the direction for the Monroe County Republican Party.