Candidate for
New York State Supreme Court Judge
Ed White has 28 years of Supreme Court experience as an Attorney/Law Clerk handling the varied cases and issues before several Supreme Court Judges over his decades of advising, counseling and assisting the Supreme Court. He has advised both Veteran and new Supreme Court Judges, and has often, been the “go to” Attorney assisting and mentoring other Attorneys/Law Clerks in resolving some of the most complex issues faced by the Court. Ed White seeks election to the Supreme Court, the Court he has spent his entire legal career serving.
As a former Judge, Judge Ed White handled thousands of cases. He also served as a Probation Officer so he has a unique understanding of the serious issues that our Brave Men and Women in Blue are confronted with on a daily basis. Ed White has been a Volunteer Board Member of the RGRTA since 2006.
Ed is married to a First Generation American, Julie Visca from Gates, New York, and they have three college aged children. He enjoys his family, outdoor activities and his various construction projects. He appreciates your support, and the support of all voters in the Seventh Judicial District.